LDSC vs Towers 4

28/11/23 To the delight of the home support, the team produced a convincing 4-1 victory over Towers 4.
First on court at 5 was Verrill who playd well to take the first game but ultimately went down 3:1 to a more experienced opponent. At the sane time Tim at 4 proved too fast for his opponent and produced an excellent 3:0 win.
Playing at 3, Stephen powered to 2:0 before his opponent pulled back a game but his experience and variety of shots took him to a 3:1 win. At the same time Glen at 2 won a close match 3:0 giving the team a 3:1 lead.
The final match featured Sean at 1 who was far too good, reeling off points with lobs, drops and power shots in an impressive 3:0 win.
Having lost their first three matches, albeit narrowly in some cases, the team have now won their last three matches and head off to play away against Towers 3 next week.

The team’s latest League position is shown at

Bunyan Bulls 2 vs LDSC

21/11/23 – After last week’s success at home against Flitwick, we were away against Bunyan Bulls 2, the current League leaders. Congratulations to the team on securing a magnificent 3:2 win.

We had an early lead with a commanding 3-0 win from Glen playing in position 2. This was followed by a brilliant performance from Stephen at 3 securing a 3:2 win so momentum was on our side.
Next up at 4 was Tim who had an epic game which challenged his opponent to the full. Tim is the most improved player in the team and he only missed out on converting a match ball and lost a very close match 2:3. Player of the match was David Copley as he filled in as second reserve and played in position 5. Even though he lost 0:3 the spirit he brought to the team was exceptional.
So all eyes where on Sean at 1 who secured our away win with a 3:0 game.
This lifted us to fourth in the league. Great team effort with extra cheering from the sidelines of team captain Thomas
We are looking forward to welcome Towers 4 this Tuesday at home and we hope to have great support from the home crow.

The team’s latest League position is shown at

LDSC vs Flitwick 2

14/11/23 – The team took on Flitwick2 who were one position below us at the bottom of the Beds League and produced a convincing 4-1 win.
Captain Thomas Garlich said “Great performance yesterday evening with a win over Flitwick 4:1, Good to see some great squash played in front of our home crowd. I am proud of you.”

At position 1 Sean dominated his game with a 3:0 win, at 2 Glen had a hart hitting battle on his hands and came out on top 3:2. At 3 Stephen broke the curse of being 2 sets up and than to having nothing to show for it; he lost the first set but brought it home 3:1. In position 4 Tim was promoted to play the higher ranking and did amazingly against a much higher ranked opponent but even though this game was lost he got a well earned point out of it. At 5 we welcomed Sophia to the team who had not played a competitive match for some time. After a few games back and forth she won her match 3:2 Well done everyone.

Biggleswade 2 vs LDSC

7th November – Having lost their two previous matches, the team were determined to win but lost 3:2 by the smallest of margins. At number one Glen lost 3:1, in number two position Evan won 3:0. At number three Stephen lost 3:2 and at number 4 Thomas lost 3:2 whilst at 5 Tim won 3:2. Tim was the player of the night with a great performance and determination.

Beds Team 1st Match

Luton and Dunstable Squash Team is back in Division 2 for the Winter League

Read more: Beds Team 1st Match

Our first game was Tuesday 10th October against Milton Keynes Open University
Ww lost the match 3:2 however there was some great squash played and in summary

Steven and Tim had tough matches, each losing 3:1. In Glen’s case he was forced to retire at 1 game eachIt’s clear they gave their best efforts, but the competition was tough.

John’s comeback victory from two sets down, winning 3: was the highlight of the match. This shows remarkable determination and skill and never give up attitude. Thomas, as the team captain, led by example with a commanding 3:0 win. In summary, our team had its ups and downs, with John’s impressive comeback and Thomas’s dominant win being the standout moments. It was clear that this new experience was the first of many matches and nerves were clearly a factor in some of the games. The Captain’s message was “Keep working on your game and there’s potential for even better results in the future!”

It’s great to hear that our team is ready for redemption in the upcoming game against Biggleswade. Sometimes, the motivation to bounce back from a loss can lead to improved performance.

And kudos to our team for looking sharp in those shirts! It’s always nice to have a strong sense of team unity and pride in your appearance. Don’t forget to give a shout-out to our sponsors; their support can make a big difference in a team’s success.

Best of luck in your game on Tuesday! 17th. May our team’s performance achieve the redemption you’re aiming for.

Please support us with encouragement this Tuesday for our Home Game!!